Blog – Plus Group

DI – The Best of Times

Many of us remember the 1980’s, which veteran DI producers continue to refer to as The Good Old Days. Hundreds of carriers were offering disability insurance, not only to their field force, but to brokers as well. It was The Best of Times.

It seemed like every week another comparison was sent out to brokers and field forces; Here’s ours versus theirs, we’ve added this, reduced that and on and on. We all wondered where it would stop, yet as any producer knows, when the train is speeding down the track

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Express Standard Issue Solution (ESI)

With participation requirements among the lowest in the industry, ESI can be used as a stand-alone program, but there are more ways to put it to work for you. ESI is flexible enough to be a reflex option with MOO’s existing Guaranteed Standard Issue (GSI) program. If you are working on a case and you are unsure of whether the GSI requirements can be met, ESI may be the answer.

Offering the ESI program to small businesses requires less participation, less underwriting and more flexibility.

Presented by:

Bryan began in the insurance industry

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The Disability Income Coffee Talk

For working Americans, finding a way to make all the financial ends meet is as challenging as it has ever been. People are making hard choices and this is especially true for America’s working middle class.

For working Americans, finding a way to make all the financial ends meet is as challenging as it has ever been. People are making hard choices and this is especially true for America’s working middle class.

For years, we’ve used the term “blue collar” to refer to this demographic. The stereotypical blue collar worker may be

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LTD & IDI – A Solution To A Real Life Problem

An employer paid Group Long Term Disability plan is a great benefit for the employees. However, a recent disability claim situation revealed that an individual disability policy was required to provide an adequate level of income and prevent a financial disaster.

A producer called to make sure that he did not have the same problem as of his brother. The producer’s brother was totally disabled as a result of cancer. He qualified for his group long term disability benefit, but the dollar amount was lower than anticipated. He was expecting 60%

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Feel The Fire

Large amounts of life insurance are purchased every year after one realizes how their death would impact their families standard of living. Few people have given the same consideration in protecting their families in the event of a disability. The average worker faces a much higher risk of an extended disability than premature death. Yet disability insurance protection is one of the most overlooked and misunderstood forms of insurance.

When attending a disability awareness conference I was fortunate to hear a Financial Advisor address the audience. He stated that the first

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The IDI Landscape

The Individual Disability Income landscape has changed in two significant ways over the past few years. These two changes present an opportunity to Insurance Brokers who are interested in to taking advantage of them.

It’s also an opportunity to help your high income clients and prospects, in a consultative manner, protect their financial security.

Let’s first examine these two basic but significant changes, and then outline the opportunity these changes present.

Change Number 1:

There are fewer Insurance Agents, Brokers and other Financial Advisors discussing disability planning and disability insurance (abbreviated to DI for

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The New Factory

“Designing Your Financial Service Business for the Marketplace of Tomorrow”

Presented By:

Bill Bishop
CEO, Bishop Information Group
Toronto, CN
Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur, Business Coach


Over the past 30 years, Bill has taught advanced marketing concepts to entrepreneurs around the world in almost every industry. He has started four companies, has written five business books, and has given hundreds of speeches, seminars and webinars. He and his coaches have helped more than 5,000 entrepreneurs package and promote their BIG Ideas.

Bill helped promote the launch of Pictionary, the board game that sold over 100 million

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CI Completes Your DI Plan

If you do disability planning for your clients, then Critical Illness (CI) Insurance, needs to be considered an integral part of any complete Disability Insurance (DI) Plan.

If you do disability planning for your clients, then Critical Illness (CI) Insurance, needs to be considered an integral part of any complete Disability Insurance (DI) Plan. Both policies provide financial protection for an unforeseen injury or illness and they complement each other very well. In fact, in most cases, if you are selling DI without CI you are only covering half the problem!

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Overcoming the Fear of Prospecting

An all-too-common occurrence in our industry is the fear of making telephone calls. It is a telling paradox in that the telephone is the primary tool of our profession. When I started as a stockbroker in 1980, I experienced major call reluctance. Night after night I sat on my couch with a knot in my stomach anticipating another agonizing day of wrestling with my fear of making phone calls. Over the next couple of years I learned to look at the telephone as a tool. As a result my fear

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Disability Buy-Out & Overhead Expense Insurance in Business Continuation Planning

Producers who work closely with business owners most likely have discussed plans to continue their clients’ businesses in the event of death. A natural extension of this planning is to make business clients aware of two equally important needs that are often overlooked.

While many business owners plan for the survival of their businesses in the event of death, many don’t consider the effects of disability on the firm’s future. Or, like many of us, they just don’t believe they will ever become disabled.

Two types of coverage can help. Disability buy-out

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