My guest on episode 47 of the I Love DI Podcast is Jeff Peterson. Jeff is President of Truluma, a DI Brokerage General Agency headquartered in Seattle. Jeff is one of the most forward thinking BGAs in the business and I know you will enjoy hearing about his background and where he thinks the DI industry is headed.
My guest on Episode 46 of the I Love DI Podcast is Max Schmitz. Max is Brokerage Manager for DI & LTC Insurance Services in the San Francisco Bay Area. Max is a 3rd generation insurance professional and I know you will enjoy looking at the disability insurance industry through the lens of a millennial.
Doug is 2nd Vice President, IDI Sales for The Standard. In his leadership roles with 2 leading DI companies, Doug has a unique perspective on where the DI industry has been, where it is today and where it will be in the future.
With almost 40 years of underwriting experience, many of which have been focused on the Guaranteed Standard Issue market, Mark has a unique vantage point of what is going on in the GSI marketplace.
If you are involved in the GSI market, this is an episode you do not want to miss.
In Episode 29, I interview Reed Schnittker. Reed is President of PGT, a Brokerage General Agency located in Dallas, TX.
Reed is a long time veteran of the D.I. Industry and his firm is a leading producer for several insurance carriers. He will share some great insights as to where the D.I. industry is today and what he thinks the future looks like.
This May, the Council for Disability Awareness invites you to embark on an income protection journey through every life stage, starting with millennials and continuing up through the generations to those nearing retirement. Each week during May, the Council will focus on a different group using blog articles, actionable eBooks and workbooks, visuals, and social media content. In this webinar you will learn about the resources you can use to get the attention of clients and prospects.
Join The Plus Group and The Standard and learn more about Disability Insurance (DI) Guaranteed Standard Issue (GSI)
This presentation will provide a general understanding of what GSI is and the value that it can provide advisors and their clients. It will also cover different selling strategies, where the market is seeing success, and real life case examples.
If you’re not selling High Limit DI, you have no idea what you’re missing. If you’re ready to turn $3,000 commission into $500,000 commission, this is the webinar for you. There is a fortune to be made in the High Limit DI marketplace. In just thirty minutes, you’ll learn:
• How to write a $10M simplified issue policy
• How to 10X your commissions
• What markets are ready for your expertise
In Episode 25, I interview Ray Phillips, President of The Brokers Source, a Brokerage General Agency located in Pittsburgh, PA.
Ray is a long time veteran of the Insurance Industry. Ray is a Past Chairman of NAILBA and as a result, really has his finger on the pulse of insurance distribution.